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Not so Fast!#

Pysmo relies on certain more recent concepts of the Python programming language. These concepts also dictate how pysmo is used, and it is important to understand them before properly getting started. Fortunately, most of this is actually pretty mainstream these days, so there is a good chance you already know a lot of what is discussed here. If not, we urge you to really try and understand what is written in this section. We promise it will come in handy in the future even if you decide pysmo is not for you!


Keep in mind that not only do programming languages themselves evolve, but also the tools used for writing code. This naturally effects the code we write too. For example, most code editors support auto-completion, and because of that we are more likely to use longer (and more descriptive) variable names instead of confusing single letter ones.

However, the ways in which an editor can assist us with writing code go way beyond just auto-completing variable names. Modern code editors are able to understand how different parts of our code are connected (even across multiple files), and thus able to warn us about things like: "hey, you're trying to perform a string operation on a float!". These features don't come completely for free, however. Our code editor needs to be given a few hints to do this, and that is a big part of what this section is about.

Dynamic and Static Typing#

Python is a dynamically typed language. This means that the type (float, string, etc.) of a variable isn't set until you run code and assign a value to it. This is convenient, but can produce errors at runtime if you are not careful. This can be demonstrated with this simple function:
def division(a, b):
  return a / b

We load load this function into an interactive Python session and call it with the arguments '5' and '2'. Thus both variables a=5 and b=2 are numbers and we get the expected result

$ python -i
>>> division(5, 2)
2.5 # (1)!
  1. In Python, dividing two integers always creates a float!

In a second run, they are set to a="hello" and b="world". They are now strings, and the code doesn't make much sense anymore...

>>> division("hello", "world")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in division
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'str'

Evidently the function only can be used if the variables a and b are numbers. To be clear, there is nothing wrong syntactically in this example, but certain operations are only available to the correct types (which is why a TypeError was raised). To keep track of what types of input a function accepts, and what kind of output to expect, annotations can be added to the above function:
def division(a: float, b: float) -> float: # (1)!
  return a / b
  1. Besides specifying that a and b are expected to be floats, we are also making it clear that the object returned by the function is also a float. This is important if the output of the division function itself is used elsewhere.

These annotations, also known as type hints, are not enforced (i.e. Python will still happily try running that function with strings as arguments). However, besides being a useful form of self-documentation, type hints become very powerful in combination with a modern source code editor or third party tools like mypy. Both will scan code and catch type errors before it is executed. This means you can effectively choose to write statically typed Python code and prevent type errors from occurring at runtime.

Duck Typing#

At this point one may ask why static typing is not enforced everywhere so that we can be done with it? Well, sometimes it is more useful to consider how something behaves, rather than what it actually is. This is often referred to as duck typing. The same way that something can be considered a duck if it walks and talks like one, any object that has all the right attributes and methods expected e.g. by a function, can also be used as input for that function. The following example defines two classes for ducks and humans, and a function which runs error free when its argument is duck-like (it can quack and waddle, rather than strictly being of type Duck):
class Duck:  # (1)!
    def quack(self):
        return "quack, quack!"

    def waddle(self):
        return "waddle, waddle!"

class Human:  # (2)!
    def quack(self):
        return "quack, quack!"

    def waddle(self):
        return "waddle, waddle!"

def is_a_duck(thing):  # (3)!
        print("I must be a duck!")
    except AttributeError:
        print("I'm unable to walk and talk like a duck.")
  1. The duck class has two methods: quackand waddle.

  2. A human can walk (waddle) and talk (quack) like a duck.

  3. This function, designed to answer the question of whether or not a thing is a duck, actually doesn't really care if the thing is a indeed a duck (or not). It merely requires the thing to be able to talk and walk like one. It will determine that any thing that is able to quack and waddle is a duck.

We then use this class in an interactive session, where the is_a_duck function tells us that donald (correctly) and joe (incorrectly) are both ducks:

$ python -i
>>> donald = Duck()  # (1)!
>>> joe = Human()  # (2)!
>>> is_a_duck(donald)
I must be a duck!
>>> is_a_duck(joe)
I must be a duck!
  1. Create an instance of Duck called donald.
  2. Create an instance of Human called joe.

The reason for this, is simply because the is_a_duck function doesn't check at all what it is given as input; as long as the thing object has the methods quack and waddle it will happily tell us something is a duck. Note that in some instances this is actually desired behavior.

Duck typing in the wild.

A real world example where duck typing is used in Python, is in the built-in len() function:

>>> my_string = "hello world"
>>> len(my_string) # the len() function works with a string (1)!
>>> my_list = [1, 2, 3]
>>> len(my_list) # and with a list (2)!
>>> my_int = 42
>>> len(my_int) # but not with an integer (3)!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()
  1. The len() function works with a string, where it returns the number of characters in the string ...
  2. ... and with a list, where it ruturns the number of items in the list.
  3. But not with an integer.

Behind the scenes, len() doesn't look for valid input types, but rather if the object it is given as input possesses the __len__() attribute:

>>> hasattr(my_string,'__len__')
>>> hasattr(my_list,'__len__')
>>> hasattr(my_int,'__len__')

Structural subtyping (static duck typing)#

The two strategies (duck vs static typing) may appear somewhat orthogonal. In cases similar to the len() function they probably are, but what if we want duck typing with a bit more control? This is indeed possible with a strategy called structural subtyping. Revisiting the duck example from before, this time with with a new Robot class and structural subtyping:
from typing import Protocol  # (1)!

class Ducklike(Protocol):  # (2)!
    def quack(self) -> str:  # (3)!

    def waddle(self) -> str:

class Duck:  # (4)!
    def quack(self) -> str:
        return "quack, quack!"

    def waddle(self) -> str:
        return "waddle, waddle!"

class Human:  # (5)!
    def quack(self) -> str:
        return "quack, quack!"

    def waddle(self) -> str:
        return "waddle, waddle!"

    def dance(self) -> str:
        return "shaking those hips!"

class Robot:  # (6)!
    def quack(self) -> bytes:
        return bytes("beep, quack!", "UTF-8")

    def waddle(self) -> str:
        return "waddle, waddle!"

def is_a_duck(thing: Ducklike) -> None:  # (7)!
        print("I must be a duck!")
    except AttributeError:
        print("I'm unable to walk and talk like a duck.")
  1. We import the Protocol class ...
  2. ... and use it to define our Ducklike class. This protocol class defines a structure (attributes and methods with their respective types) that can be compared with structure present in any other class. If those classes have a matching structure, they are considered subclasses (in terms of typing) of the protocol class.
  3. Ellipses are preferred over "pass" statements here.
  4. We add type hints to the otherwise unchanged Duck class. Because it has the same structure as the Ducklike protocol class, it is implicitly considered a subclass of Ducklike.
  5. The Human class is also a subclass of Ducklike, even though we added a new dance method.
  6. An advanced robot can also walk and talk like a duck. However, it talks in bytes instead of strings. This means the Robot class is not Ducklike
  7. Unlike before, we do care about the type of the "thing" input variable now (because we are using type hints). It should be of type Ducklike, which includes the subclasses of Ducklike (Duck, and Human, but not Robot).

Loading this new version into an interactive python session we get the following:

$ python -i
>>> donald = Duck()
>>> joe = Human()
>>> robert = Robot()
>>> like_a_duck(donald)
I must be a duck!
I must be a duck!  # (1)!
I must be a duck!  # (2)!
  1. As before, donald and joe appear to be ducks.
  2. Even this prints "I must be a duck!", but mypy or your IDE will mark it as incompatible.

The above example illustrates how protocol classes are used, but doesn't explain why they are useful. With regards to pysmo, there are two important lessons to be learned here:

  1. The type annotations for the like_a_duck() function tell us it is written with the baseclass Ducklike in mind instead of a particular implementation of a duck class. This decoupling means we can write code using a well defined and consistent interface.
  2. All attributes and methods in the protocol class need to be matched with the "real" classes, but not the other way around. The Duck or Human classes may well contain methods like fly, run, eat, sleep, etc. However, they can safely be ignored by like_a_duck().

In isolation the above two points may not appear that significant, but when we put them together the implications are quite substantial. The goal when writing code should always be to make it easy to understand and as reusable as possible, after all. Protocol classes help with exactly that. They are almost always going to be far less complex than a generic class(1). As such they allow breaking up a problem into smaller pieces, and write e.g. a function that works with a certain protocol rather than one particular class. The protocols define an interface a function can work with. It's as if a contract exists between a class and a function, whereby the class guarantees that the part they have a contract for is never going to change, regardless of what might happen elsewhere in the class. In pysmo, these contracts are the types we will discuss in greater detail later on.

  1. A generic class is a proper class, which holds data, has methods and attributes etc (unlike a protocol class, which only contains the structure of a class).


It is also much easier to design a new class to work with existing functions using protocols (provided the functions were also written with protocols in mind, of course). Consider for example a problem that typically would involve storing data in files of a particular format, and using a Python class to access and manipulate data in these files. The file format, Python class, and all the Python scripts would likely be strongly coupled to each other in such a scenario. Given how much data are produced these days, it is conceivable that our hypothetical project might also grow to a point where storing data in individual files is no longer feasible, and instead something like a database must be used. A class to access a database is likely wildly different to one designed for accessing a particular file format. Thus it would be quite a big task to create a new class that works with the database, while also being compatible with the existing code that up until now was always using data from files. This would be trivial had protocols been used from the beginning. The types defined by protocols are always going to be simpler than types defined by generic classes, as they strip away the intrinsic complexities stemming from things like file or database access. In short, because the existing functions would not have to concern themselves with things like file access, the newly designed "database class" would also not have to.

Next steps#

  • Learn more about type hinting and how to check your code for type errors using mypy.
  • If you aren't already, consider switching to using a code editor that checks your code (not just for typing errors) as you write it.
  • Continue onwards to the next chapter and install pysmo!